Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
Find Elders and Publishers who have been displace by the Watchtower Corporation's sale of their Kingdom Hall and inform them
by Brokeback Watchtower init seems that we might be in the beginning of a real estate sell of to pay child molestation lawsuits that will gather momentum.
a good strategy is to inform those effected as to the nefarious reason for such a sale either annomously or other wise to get the disgruntlement ball rolling in full swing..
Brokeback Watchtower
When you are hitting the pocket books of others to pay for your own misdeeds and treachery alarm bells go off in the conscious and much smarter unconscious. notifying these people by what ever means seems to be a good avenue to jump start a disgruntled exodus with a huge chip on their shoulder ie more activist for the cause especially as their eyes become more fully opened. -
Find Elders and Publishers who have been displace by the Watchtower Corporation's sale of their Kingdom Hall and inform them
by Brokeback Watchtower init seems that we might be in the beginning of a real estate sell of to pay child molestation lawsuits that will gather momentum.
a good strategy is to inform those effected as to the nefarious reason for such a sale either annomously or other wise to get the disgruntlement ball rolling in full swing..
Brokeback Watchtower
It seems that we might be in the beginning of a real estate sell of to pay child molestation lawsuits that will gather momentum.
A good strategy is to inform those effected as to the nefarious reason for such a sale either annomously or other wise to get the disgruntlement ball rolling in full swing.
Local Elders whip the Congregation into a frenzy about donating to the Organization
by James Jack inbecause of the may broadcast about how funds are down, our elders have been in their talks "encouraging" or pressuring everyone to donate more to the world wide work.. it freaks me out how we already give them a set amount of $600 a month, plus what is contributed by the congregation(usually $400 to $500 a month).
heck, our local congregation bank account even got below $500 for the first time this past may since i have been doing the accounts(4 years now).
for june, we raised a whopping $2400 to send into the branch.. the most amazing part, is that only a select few contribute on a regular basis every month.
Brokeback Watchtower
Sounds like a bunch of ass kissing elders that believe everything these dumb asses on the Governing Body say. -
Picking Someone To Be An Illustrious Member Of the Governing Body/Faithful & Discreet A Hole Club What Is It They Look For?
by Brokeback Watchtower inthis is a work in progress so let me postulate a few and then post your observations.. i think when we examine this subject we will be able to understand how they picked this recent batch of new comers who can just about manage to even tie their shoe laces and clearly are almost complete idiots.. i'm sure they test any gb hopefuls as to loyalty and courage to face pressure and make defenses for the corporation sound at least plausible and with in the limits of understanding imposed by the corporations edicts.. i know anthony morris came from wealth and he mentioned in one of his talks that his aged father tried to warn him about giving money to the wt corporation and he said that what his dad didn't know was that he was the society (he may have been trying to get some money from his wealthy dad to give to the corporation as sort of an investment in loyalty that would catapault him to gb stardom and who knows maybe even chief honcho.. so i wonder can some buy their way to the top?
after all it is a scam operation based on bullshit and all the members of the elite are money hungry if not for themselves then for their sock puppet jehovah/me.. what say you?.
Brokeback Watchtower
Ok why pick these guys outside the USA like Losche and Barry and a bunch of others how did they move up the ranks what gets them noticed enough to make it to the throne. -
Caleb & Sophia RC badges
by oppostate intake a look at this caleb & sophia rc badge for children.. .
what's the motivation to make special childrens' badges?
i smell indoctrination!.
Brokeback Watchtower
It's a real cheap way for the Governing Body to portray it's self as kiddie friendly it's like a politician's kissing babies to get the mommy vote of approval.
Picking Someone To Be An Illustrious Member Of the Governing Body/Faithful & Discreet A Hole Club What Is It They Look For?
by Brokeback Watchtower inthis is a work in progress so let me postulate a few and then post your observations.. i think when we examine this subject we will be able to understand how they picked this recent batch of new comers who can just about manage to even tie their shoe laces and clearly are almost complete idiots.. i'm sure they test any gb hopefuls as to loyalty and courage to face pressure and make defenses for the corporation sound at least plausible and with in the limits of understanding imposed by the corporations edicts.. i know anthony morris came from wealth and he mentioned in one of his talks that his aged father tried to warn him about giving money to the wt corporation and he said that what his dad didn't know was that he was the society (he may have been trying to get some money from his wealthy dad to give to the corporation as sort of an investment in loyalty that would catapault him to gb stardom and who knows maybe even chief honcho.. so i wonder can some buy their way to the top?
after all it is a scam operation based on bullshit and all the members of the elite are money hungry if not for themselves then for their sock puppet jehovah/me.. what say you?.
Brokeback Watchtower
This is a work in progress so let me postulate a few and then post your observations.
I think when we examine this subject we will be able to understand how they picked this recent batch of new comers who can just about manage to even tie their shoe laces and clearly are almost complete idiots.
I'm sure they test any GB hopefuls as to loyalty and courage to face pressure and make defenses for the corporation sound at least plausible and with in the limits of understanding imposed by the corporations edicts.
I know Anthony Morris came from wealth and he mentioned in one of his talks that his aged father tried to warn him about giving money to the WT corporation and he said that what his dad didn't know was that he WAS the Society (he may have been trying to get some money from his wealthy dad to give to the corporation as sort of an investment in loyalty that would catapault him to GB stardom and who knows maybe even chief honcho.
So I wonder can some buy their way to the top? After all it is a scam operation based on bullshit and all the members of the elite are money hungry if not for themselves then for their sock puppet Jehovah/Me.
What say you?
Geoffrey Jackson compares waiting for Armageddon to waiting for Brazil to score a goal against Argentina!
by GodZoo inwtf!
Brokeback Watchtower
Governing Body = Distillation of of pure stupidity in its concentrated bodily form
Am3, Rubber Band Man/Lett, and Chubby Soccer Nerd/Geoffrey Jackson = Three Stooges or Three Amigos
Geoffrey Jackson compares waiting for Armageddon to waiting for Brazil to score a goal against Argentina!
by GodZoo inwtf!
Brokeback Watchtower
The guy is a supper phony who is playing these people like he's talking to a bunch sleep walking dumb Dagos. How insulting!
Only in his imagination are they as stupid as him, because God these people can't be that stupid to have their doubts quelled about the end/armageddon never coming when the WT says it will with this lame ass illustration, some one go kick this guy in the nuts he looks that stupid,, what a worthless piece of shit he is, I can't say anything good about him, he is that repulsive to me and I'm sure to many in his audience as well.
Royal Commission into Institutional Child abuse in Australia.
by zeb inpublic hearing into the jehovahs witnesses .
22 june, 2015 the royal commission will hold a public hearing in sydney commencing on 27 july 2015 at 10:00am.. the scope and purpose of the public hearing is to inquire into:.
1. the experience of survivors of child sexual abuse within the jehovahs witnesses church in australia.. 2. the responses of the jehovahs witnesses church and the watchtower bible and tract society of australia ltd to allegations, reports or complaints of child sexual abuse within the church.. 3. the systems, policies and procedures in place within the jehovahs witnesses church and the watchtower bible and tract society of australia ltd for raising and responding to allegations of or concerns about child sexual abuse within the church.. 4. the systems, policies and procedures in place within the jehovahs witnesses church and the watchtower bible and tract society of australia ltd to prevent child sexual abuse within the church.. 5. any related matters.
Brokeback Watchtower
I wonder if any long time servants of this corporation can testify to how they used them for free labor had them claim a vow of poverty then when they got older they were just thrown to the curb without a decent compensation for all their many years of hard work. What stench that would leave in the Royal Commission's nostrils. -
2015 May edition of JW Broadcasting: the GB beggar
by Gorbatchov intonight gorby and his wife watched a part of the 2015 may edition of jw broadcasting.
we couldn't force our self to watch the full stuff, because of it's sneaky way of production.
first of course the dynasty melody at the start, the world map background and the car salesman mr. lett.
Brokeback Watchtower
If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck lets call it a "Duck", which is something rubber lips Lett can't do because he doesn't know what begging for money is because he's a complete idiot that believes his own bullshit that comes out of his clown shaped lips with raised eyebrows that some how in his minds makes it so because he's in the faithful and discreet ass hole club and is destined for a heavenly life with his old pal sock puppet Jehovah.
These guys are so stupid I'm sure they are just the ones to drive this corporation into bankruptcy, I see a mass exodus happening because these guys are such delusional clowns that they can't even see it because of an inflated ego.